Rewards for the Best Performers 2014

Rewards for the Best Performers 2014On 9th August we rewarded our most diligent students in Don Bosko Center.

Every year we give special rewards to the 10 students who earned most points during the year.

Our main method for motivation and punishment is points. The students in the Don Bosko Center earn them for participation and efforts in the study-room and the workshops, but they can also lose some points for bad behaviour. These points also work as credits. With them the students “buy” some privileges. They are significant discount for the price of the summer and winter camps, they may be enough for paying travel costs for excursions.

Rewards for the Best Performers 2014Rewards for the Best Performers 2014

Here are the first names of the first 7 winners for this year:

  1. Amdie A.
  2. Toni Zh..
  3. Mariya Zh.
  4. Slavcho F.
  5. Iliya K.
  6. Zyubyulka E.
  7. Veselin G.

Configurations to the winners!

Rewards for the Best Performers 2014Rewards for the Best Performers 2014Rewards for the Best Performers 2014

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