
There are many youth camps, but ours are characterized by their educational nature. They are based on the pedagogical principles of the Preventive system of Don Bosco.

We spend time with the kids in a family atmosphere, which includes responsibilities and fun. The camp leaders attempt to bring up the whole human – to develop his reason and skills, to teach him to real relationships and abilities to solve conflicts, to learn him to hygiene, if these habits are not acquired at home. Of course, there are also sports and entertainments.

The camp program includes:

1) Multi-stage game. This is a game with a topic, which is played throughout the whole camp time. It creates a general topic of the camp and requires efforts from the children to fulfill its tasks. The multi-stage game always finishes with a little award, which values the effort of the kids and youths.

2) Topics. During the camp different Christian and ethical topics are talked.

(3) Fun games.

(4) Common table. The children and youths are taught to eat together in a certain time, to respect others labor, because they are also involved in the preparation of the mean and are in duty in the kitchen. They learn how to peel potatoes, vegetables, to cut bread etc.

A main leader is responsible for the kids, but he has a prepared team, including animators (volunteers, who are not necessary adults, but know their obligations well), a medic, a cook and a priest.

Our summer camps for 2009 were:

  • Boy camp “Become a Кnight”
  • Girl camp “Queen Esther”