Archive for април, 2015

Masked Ball

МаскенбалMasked ball for the children and youths from Don Bosco center was organized on April 19th. The costumes were made on the previous day by the children themselves.

With a mask procession we walked through half of the city to go to the place where our masked ball took place.

МаскенбалМаскенбалThe Czech volunteers Lenka and Helena had prepared lots of games in which we participated with the costumes. At the end, there was an ice cream for everybody.


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in the Facebook Album

Painting Eggs

Боядисване на яйцаThree days before Easter, with the children from Don Bosko Center we painted eggs. The kids could choose among several creative ways of painting. We want to help them develop more artistic sense.

More photos:

in the Facebook album.

In the Fire Department

В пожарната Стара ЗагораDuring the summer holiday Don Bosko Bulgaria Foundation organized several educational visits for the children and youths from Don Bosko Center. On April 7th with some of them we visited the regional fire department.

Several firefighters explained us what to do in a case of fire and showed us their equipment. The children had the possibility to hold in their hands some of the equipment and to spray with a fire hose, like in a real case of fire.

The purpose of this event was the children to know more about one useful profession.

More photos:

in the Facebook Album